How to use the journal cards?

How to use the journal cards?

The cards are meant to be tools for you to develop your writing, and not a prescriptive "correct" way. 

Here are a few example of how you can use the cards:

  • You can start from card 1 and take note of which card you use each day.
  • Pick a card as a weekly theme, and look at the prompt from different angles each day.
  • Shuffle the deck and pick one at random.
  • Write with a friend and choose a card to write together.
  • Write with a friend and pick a card for the other person.
  • Create a writing group and have a dedicated time every week to meet, write, and share your experiences.
  • Look back at your journal and compare notes when you write using the same card twice.
  • Bring the cards with you when you’re travelling and see how a different environment can change your perspectives.
  • Use the cards as a part of a mindfulness practice, and write either before or after you use the prompt as a mediation guide.
  • Use the cards as a conversation starter with a group of friends.

The limits here are virtually endless! If you come up with a new way to use them, I'd love to hear about it: drop me a message at!


(Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash)

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